
Book launch “Mapping the development of agroecology in Europe” – A collection of country reports
To scale up agroecology, it is critical to document and analyse its development in different contexts. This is necessary to attain larger insights into the state of play in agroecology and support its expansion and use at the policy level. Based on the mapping of agroecology in different European countries, AE4EU (Agroecology for Europe) and …

Agroecology Europe Forum 2023
Converging movements for resilient food systems The 2023 European Agroecology Forum, Converging movements for resilient food systems, organized by Agroecology Europe and the Hungarian Agroecology Network Association, took place on 16-18 November 2023 in Gyöngyös, Hungary. Agroecology for Europe was involved directly in the organization of the Forum and different sessions, including the ambassadors meeting …

Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures in Europe—Experiences from ALL-Ready and AE4EU
The European Committee of the Regions hosted the joint final conference of the two EU-funded projects ALL-Ready and AE4EU in Brussels on 27 September 2023. The one-day conference shed light on how the two projects paved the way for a European Network of Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures. Both projects featured stories from the …

Mapping Agroecology Initiatives
One of the objectives of AE4EU is to map the development of agroecology in Europe through initiatives available in European countries. During Agroecology Europe Forum 2023, several initiatives spoke and explained their work on escalating and leveraging agroecology. Session A – Driving Agroecology Movement: Leveraging agroecology to achieve food system transformation through collaboration of initiatives …

ECVC member organisations developed and carried out three training programmes in order to foster the agroecological transition in Europe during the AE4EU project. The training programmes were designed to reflect the vision of peasant agroecology[1] and the Nyéléni Declaration of the International Forum for Agroecology’s (2015)[2] vision of learning agroecology. The guidelines are based on …

Funding for Agroecology Workshops: Public-Private Collaboration
ISARA hosted two workshops to discuss the state of funding for agroecology. The workshops explored diverse perspectives, from private foundations to public funding entities, shedding light on the pivotal role they play in the development of agroecology. The first participatory workshop, held on 15 May 2023, brought together 12 private foundations. The focus was on …
Funding for Agroecology Workshops: Public-Private CollaborationRead More

The New Farmer and Artisanal Market of the AE4EU Italian Living Lab
A new Farmer and Artisanal Market took place in Brossasco (Varaita Valley, Cuneo, Italy), on 24 August and 21 September 2023, 17:00-22:00. The food producers, farmers, and artisans participating in the market respect the 13 agroecological principles and subscribe to the Manifesto for Agroecology and Food Sovereignty in Val Varaita promoted by the Living Lab*. …
The New Farmer and Artisanal Market of the AE4EU Italian Living LabRead More

Coventry Agroecology Living Lab (CALL)
In the UK, AE4EU partner Coventry University has been working with growers in and around the city who engaged in an urban living lab: the Coventry Agroecological Living Lab (CALL). A diverse range of urban and peri-urban growers, including a CSA, an NGO, businesses, and a community centre, have come together to improve crop diversity …

Mapping the Development of Agroecology in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
– The 5th AE4EU mapping webinar, Development of Agroecology in the United Kingdom (UK) and the Netherlands, will take place on Tuesday, 4 July 2023, 16:00-17:30 CET. Documenting and analysing the development of agroecology in different countries and contexts is key to scaling up agroecology at the European level. The Agroecology for Europe project (AE4EU) has …
Mapping the Development of Agroecology in the United Kingdom and the NetherlandsRead More

Agroecology Hub – to connect, share, and inspire
– – The Agroecology for Europe Hub has been created by the University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy (UNISG), in collaboration with Zetabi for technical development, within the H2020 AE4EU project. It is a virtual space to connect all actors interested or involved in agroecology. Indeed the hub’s vision is to develop a European network …

ENAF (European Network for Agroecological Food Systems) – the story continues
In our last newsletter, we shared an invitation to the launch of the European Network for Agroecological Food systems (ENAF) as the next step of what we previously called the ‘network of networks’. The launch took place on January 26th and was attended by representatives from a wide range of networks, associations, and EU programmes. …
ENAF (European Network for Agroecological Food Systems) – the story continuesRead More

Meet our partner – University of Gastronomic Science (UNISG), Pollenzo, Italy
The University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG) is an international research and education center focused in particular on the relationship between food, ecology and sustainability. The University of Gastronomic Sciences, founded in 2004 by the international non-profit association Slow Food in cooperation with the Italian regions of Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna, is a ministerially recognized, private non-profit …
Meet our partner – University of Gastronomic Science (UNISG), Pollenzo, ItalyRead More

Meet our partner – Hellenic Agricultural Organisation DIMITRA (ELGO)
ELGO – DIMITRA develops & supports actions aimed at the modernization and development of the Greek agricultural sector through research, improvement of production processes, strengthening of competitiveness, certification of quality agricultural products & food. The Institute of Olive Tree, Subtropical Crops and Viticulture (IOSV) is under the General Directorate of Agricultural Research of ELGO-DIMITRA. Its …
Meet our partner – Hellenic Agricultural Organisation DIMITRA (ELGO)Read More

Mapping The Development of Agroecology in Spain and Sweden
The 4th AE4EU mapping webinar “Development of agroecology in Spain and Sweden” will be held on the 9th of May [16h – 17h30 CET Time]. Documenting and analyzing the development of agroecology in different countries and context is key to enhancing the up- and out-scale of agroecology at the European level. Based on the AE4EU …
Mapping The Development of Agroecology in Spain and SwedenRead More

Joint Final Conference ALL-Ready & AE4EU
ALL-Ready and AE4EU jointly host their final project conference at the European Committee of the Regions in Brussels on 27 September 2023. The one-day conference will shed light on how the two projects paved the way for a European Network of Living Labs and Research Infrastructures. Both projects will feature stories from the field, pilot …

Training on Introduction to Agroecology
On May 2022, AE4EU partner ECVC held a 2-days training program at FarmED and Conygree Farm in collaboration with Landworkers Alliance (LWA) and FarmED. The training covers the topic of introduction to agroecology by looking at the practice and principles of agroecology with peer-to-peer discussion and stories around the campfire. The objective of this training …

AE4EU at “Terra Madre 2022” and “The Symposium Towards the International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies 2022”
In September 2022, the AE4EU partner University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG) presented the project at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2022 and the Symposium Towards the International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies 2022. Terra Madre Salone del Gusto was held from 22-26 September 2022 at Parco Dora Turin, Italy. UNISG presented the project in …

Launch of the European Network of Agroecological Food Systems (ENAF)
European Network for Agroecological Food Systems launched On January 26th, the Horizon 2020 Project, Agroecology for Europe (AE4EU) launched ENAF: the European Network for Agroecological Food Systems, along with more than 40 esteemed colleagues and fellow associations. Programme with outputs: We also made a synthesis of the feedback we received from participants in the launch …
Launch of the European Network of Agroecological Food Systems (ENAF)Read More

Research demand identification in Southern Italy: an AE4EU experience in Basilicata region
The Agroecology for Europe (AE4EU) project aims at enabling a successful transition to agroecology through the direct engagement and involvement of different actors from different backgrounds and sectors. Among its activities, the project intends to identify research needs for agroecology, taking into account and combining the research demands of agroecological farmers, the expectations of civil …

Launch Event of the European Network of Agroecological Food Systems (ENAF)
Thursday January 26th, 2023 – 15:00-17:00 CET ENAF’s mission is to connect, strengthen and support existing networks and organisations to improve collaboration and dialogue across sectors working for the transformation of food systems. It is meant to be bottom-up, people-led and transdisciplinary in orientation, and to embrace all agroecological principles. It may have several functions …
Launch Event of the European Network of Agroecological Food Systems (ENAF)Read More

Meet our partner – Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is one of the partners in AE4EU. WUR focuses on the domain ‘healthy food and living environment’ in three related partly overlapping core areas: Food, feed and bio-based production, Natural resources and living environment and Society and well-being. Over time more people have started working on research requests related to …
Meet our partner – Wageningen University & Research (WUR)Read More

Meet our partner – Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR), Coventry University
Ambitious and innovative, Coventry University is known for delivering research that tackles a number of global challenges. Over 500 world-renowned experts, from professors and directors to research associates, work alongside a thriving community of 800 doctoral candidates within the University’s 16 challenge-led, interdisciplinary research centres. One of these is the Centre for Agroecology, Water & …
Meet our partner – Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR), Coventry UniversityRead More

The development of the SRIA for the AELLRI partnership
The SCAR Strategic Working Group on Agroecology (SCAR-AE) is the entity responsible for the preparation of the candidate partnership ‘Accelerating farming systems transition: agroecology living labs and research infrastructures’ (AELLRI) and, in particular, for developing the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). SCAR-AE offers a platform for continuous strategic discussion between the Member States (MS), …
The development of the SRIA for the AELLRI partnershipRead More

Public funding of Agroecology
Within the frame of the AE4EU project, a team, led by Coventry have aimed to mapped existing public funding on agroecology. Our mapping of public funding for agroecological research and practice in Europe followed a twin-track method. Existing databases provided some information about funding for research; and practice was addressed by contacting ministries of agriculture …

Innescare e coltivare Agroecologia – Living lab meeting, 24th of November 2022
The project partner UNISG, is organising the next Italian living lab meeting on the 24th of November. A living lab is a network a network of local actors, researchers, associations, political subjects who work synergistically to co-create agroecological solutions. The meeting will take place in in Brossasco, Italy and will be held in Italian. Please …
Innescare e coltivare Agroecologia – Living lab meeting, 24th of November 2022Read More

Experience sharing with Dr Olena Motuzenko on gastro-tourism “Academia, civil society and local communities – united to keep knowledge alive”
Online public meeting of the Network of Networks of European organizations working on agroecology (NofNs)* – 29 November, 16h30-17h30 CET During this one-hour open meeting, Dr Olena Motuzenko will share her experience and story about the recently launched Atlas of 85 Ukrainian products of cultural value at Terra Madre and the process and participatory methodology …

AE4EU Webinar – Development of agroecology in Bulgaria and Romania
On the 6th of December, 16h – 17h30 (CET) the 3rd AE4EU mapping webinar “Development of agroecology in Bulgaria and Romania” will take place. Documenting and analyzing the development of agroecology in different countries and context is key to enhancing the up and out-scale of agroecology at the European level. Based on the AE4EU project …
AE4EU Webinar – Development of agroecology in Bulgaria and RomaniaRead More

Policy brief – Fostering the transformative role of agroecological research in Europe
This policy brief aims to provide research-based recommendations for policy makers that are responsible for the design and funding of research programmes related to sustainable agriculture, as well as agroecology. The research was undertaken as a desk-based activity in order to collect information on research projects and funding programmes which deal with agroecology in Europe, …
Policy brief – Fostering the transformative role of agroecological research in EuropeRead More

Vacancies at AE4EU partner – Thünen Institute
Scientific Staff Member (f, m, d)(Agroecology, Environmental Sciences, Geoecology) from the next possible date until 31.10.2023 in part-time with 65% of the regular weekly working hours on the topic of “Agroecological transformation towards sustainable land use systems“. The position is linked to the EU-funded project “Agroecology for Europe” (AE4EU). The aim of AE4EU is to …

AE4EU webinar – Agroecology research in Europe: current status and perspectives
On Thursday, 3rd November 2022 the webinar “Agroecology research in Europe: current status and perspectives” was led by the AE4EU partner CREA. The webinar presented the outcomes of the mapping activities on agroecology research in Europe carried out within AE4EU and focused on: (c) Picture: Ciaccia, 2021
AE4EU webinar – Agroecology research in Europe: current status and perspectivesRead More

AE4EU internship – Agroecology Europe is looking an intern
Agroecology for Europe (AE4EU) aims to contribute to Agroecology research and innovation development through different strategic objectives and major avenues to reach them. In this regard, the project will aim at mapping and analyse the local, regional and national state of art initiatives in different European countries, as well as analyse different national and regional …
AE4EU internship – Agroecology Europe is looking an internRead More

Webinar : Peasant Agroecology According to ECVC
In the context of the latest publication by the AE4EU project partner European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) ‘Peasant agroecology according to ECVC’, ECVC invites to a webinar with farmers, allies and policy members, to explore and discuss how the system of peasant agroecology is capable of offering solutions to the great environmental and socio-economic challenges …

AE4EU @TerraMadre2022 in Torino, Italy
During Terra Madre 2022 our project partner UNISG is busy sharing the outcomes of AE4EU on-site in Torino, Italy. Many other events are taking place on-site in Torino and online. Don’t miss out on this wonderful event and have a look at the program. Agroecology for a better future, 22.09.2022, 13:30 (local time) What does …

Feedback on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) from SCAR-AE – Have your say until the 30th of September 2022!
The SCAR Strategic Working Group on Agroecology (SCAR-AE) is an entity responsible for the preparation of the Candidate European partnership ‘Accelerating farming systems transition: agroecology living labs and research infrastructures’ (AELLRI) and, in particular, for developing its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). A first consolidated version of the SRIA has been prepared between January …

Policy Brief – 10 steps to achieve the European Green Deal
The European Green Deal is a monumental step in achieving a greener and more sustainable Europe, filled with promising targets which aim to culminate in no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 and economic growth decoupled from resource use. It establishes great potential for a fairer economy, the revitalisation of rural areas and sustainability. …
Policy Brief – 10 steps to achieve the European Green DealRead More

Meet our partner – European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC)
Peasant agroecology is a way of life. ECVC supports life-enriching systems and oppose life-alienating systems Ecologically we work together with nature and not against it. We cherish synergies between living beings and prioritize traditional farmer knowledge and participatory, transgenerational, and experiential learning processes Economically we base our principles on forms of economy that is truly …
Meet our partner – European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC)Read More

Meet our partner – Universidade De Santiago De Compostela (USC)
“Agroecology involves the transition to a model of integration, management and planning, over time, of a sustainable territory. This requires the development of a political framework that integrates each one of the needs and particularities of all the actors and scenarios, a real challenge that SILVOPAST Group, together with the other partners of the AE4EU …
Meet our partner – Universidade De Santiago De Compostela (USC)Read More

Towards a European agroecology network of networks
Supporting agroecological transformation of agriculture and food systems in Europe In spring 2022, after consulting a range of agroecology farmer representative organisations, AE4EU initiated a process of co-creating an overarching network of agroecological networks in Europe. When we say ‘agroecological networks’ this includes initiatives around, e.g., organic farming and community-supported agriculture. This overarching network is …

Webinar: Development of agroecology in Italy and Greece
On the 6th of July the second AE4EU mapping webinar will take place covering the development of agroecology in Italy and Greece. Documenting and analyzing the development of agroecology in different countries and context is important to enhance up and out-scaling of agroecology at European level. With an innovative and multiscale methodology, inspired by previous …
Webinar: Development of agroecology in Italy and GreeceRead More

Webinar – Development of agroecology in Austria and Germany
Webinar on Monday, 28th of March from 16:00 – 17:30 (CET) Documenting and analyzing the development of agroecology in different countries and context is important to enhance up and out-scaling of agroecology at European level. With an innovative and multiscale methodology, inspired by previous mapping (Agroecology Europe, 2020), the AE4EU project aims at providing an …
Webinar – Development of agroecology in Austria and GermanyRead More

AE4EU Policy Brief
‘Improving eco-schemes in the light of agroecology’ On the 25th of June 2021, the EU finalised its negotiations for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that is set to come into power on the 1 January 2023 and run until 2027. While this CAP is being championed by its creators as a radical new framework …

Agroecology and research, an essential combination: mapping and analysing the European, transnational and national research projects, programmes and Institutions
Agroecology (AE) which is based on an integration of scientific discipline, agricultural practices, and social movement (Wezel et al. 2009) represents a collective-action mode for challenging and contrasting the dominant agri-food regime and creating more sustainable alternatives (Levidow et al., 2014). Nevertheless, AE is also adopted by actors who promote conventional agriculture and for this …

Funding agroecology – Analysing existing funding and design of future schemes
Within AE4EU existing public and private funding schemes across Europe are assessed, compared and used as a basis to co-design future funding schemes. One of the challenges of this work is to ascertain how much public money is spent on agroecology in every country in Europe. For this, the AE4EU team adopted a twin-track approach: top-down, looks at funded …
Funding agroecology – Analysing existing funding and design of future schemesRead More

Living Labs (LLs) for co-development and co-learning
Facilitating 3 living labs in 3 different countries – The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Italy Task 4.2 ‘Living Labs (LLs) for co-development and co-learning’ is setting up and facilitating 3 living labs in 3 countries (NL, UK, IT) to develop context-based and site-specific solutions to the central question “which mechanisms will strength the agroecological research …
Living Labs (LLs) for co-development and co-learningRead More

Mapping agroecology in Europe: a necessary step to foster its development
Agroecology in Europe A certain development of agroecology and its different facets in Europe can be stated (Nicot et al., 2018; Wezel et al., 2018). Nevertheless, it currently remains too limited so as to allow a successful transition to sustainable agriculture and food systems, characterized by increased biodiversity, resource-conserving and climate resilient production and food …
Mapping agroecology in Europe: a necessary step to foster its developmentRead More

Introducing our project partner: Agroecology Europe
An international and non-profit organisation Agroecology Europe is an international non-profit organisation and is registered in Belgium. It aims to analyse, design, develop and promote the transition towards agroecology-based farming and food systems in Europe and throughout the world. It intends to place agroecology high on the European agenda of sustainable development of farming and food …
Introducing our project partner: Agroecology EuropeRead More

Meet CREA – Council for Agricultural Research and Economics
CREA, the Consiglio per la Ricerca e l’Analisi dell’Economia Agraria is the most important Italian Institution devoted to research and innovation in the Agri-Food. Sector. It is operating under the supervision of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, in the field of agriculture, environment, agro-industry, food, fisheries and forestry, economy, with a unique multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach. CREA …
Meet CREA – Council for Agricultural Research and EconomicsRead More

Research in agroecology in Europe – Fill out our survey
In the framework of AE4EU (https://www.ae4eu.eu/), a European CSA (Coordination and Support Action) project which aims to build a European network on agroecology to accelerate the transition towards sustainable agriculture and food systems, we are aiming to understand how “agroecology” is understood and implemented by researchers involved in agroecology in Europe. For this reason, we have …
Research in agroecology in Europe – Fill out our surveyRead More

Meet ISARA, coordinator of AE4EU
Created in 1968 in Lyon (France), ISARA is an Engineering School for agricultural, food and environmental sciences that offers professional engineering programme (MSc degree) and master programmes, and carries out research and extension. The Faculty emphasizes the thrill of scientific investigation through hands-on work, with an excellence on Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. ISARA is …

Zoom on our AE4EU partner Eco Ruralis
Eco Ruralis is a national association of small-scale agroecological food producers, peasants and people working in rural areas from Romania. Established in 2009, Eco Ruralis is representing the needs, interests and rights of more than 17.000 members across the country and is aiming at promoting and developing peasant agriculture as an ideal model of agriculture, …

A Hub for Agroecology
An exchange and knowledge Hub for agroecology Learning, sharing, participation and co-creation of knowledge are well identified principles of agroecology. In THE Agroecology for Europe project, we aim to develop an exchange hub as virtual space of interchange among agroecology stakeholders. We are aiming of co-developing it with partners and stakeholders in order to ensure …

Be part of the movement
Participate in our survey on public and private funding Public and private funding schemes are key to enable the development of agroecology. To learn more about existing funding of agroecology, in the AE4EU project, the team at Coventry University (UK), have adopted a dual approach towards the mapping of public funding for agroecology in Europe: …

3rd Agroecology Europe forum – 17-19 November 2021 – Barcelona
To support exchange, reflection and bottom-up contributions, Agroecology Europe (AEEU) organises the third Agroecology Europe Forum together with local farmers, researchers, civic society and non-governmental organisations. Following the two first successful editions of the Forum in 2017 in Lyon (France) and in 2019 in Heraklion (Greece), the third edition in Barcelona (Spain) will address the …
3rd Agroecology Europe forum – 17-19 November 2021 – BarcelonaRead More

Agroecology, Europe’s new challenge
First press release of AE4EU AE4EU: Building a European network on agroecology to accelerate the transition towards sustainable agriculture and food systems. “Europe is now at a turning point regarding the future of European agriculture. Agroecology is a key concept for embracing practice, research, innovation, and education, and being essential to transform our agricultural and …