The SCAR Strategic Working Group on Agroecology (SCAR-AE) is an entity responsible for the preparation of the Candidate European partnership ‘Accelerating farming systems transition: agroecology living labs and research infrastructures’ (AELLRI) and, in particular, for developing its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). A first consolidated version of the SRIA has been prepared between January and June 2022.
The SRIA is now open for a wider consultation to collect feedbacks on its contents from a broad range of stakeholders of the field, and give the opportunity to contribute to proposed priorities, their relevance and expected impacts.
You can find the current version of the SRIA here.
Feedback to the online survey is open until the 30.09.2022:

You are interested in the SCAR-AE working group?
We interviewed Benjamin Sanchez, Co-Chair of the SCAR-AE, during the annual project meeting in Lugo, Spain in 2022.