European Network for Agroecological Food systems (ENAF)
ENAF emerged from an interactive and co-creative process that took place in 2022 to create a ‘network of networks’ (NofN) to support agroecological transformations of European food systems. This was initiated by the Agroecology for Europe (AE4EU) project. Various networks and groups from across Europe participated in the initial meetings and workshops and it was widely recognised that NofN could play a key role in realising the potential of agroecology across Europe.
Mission of ENAF
To activate the combined potential and capabilities of existing national and European networks to be able to contribute more effectively across sectors to agroecological transformations of agricultural and food systems in Europe.

Purpose and value proposition of ENAF
ENAF remains a ‘network of networks’ in the sense that it focuses not on connecting individual organisations, but on connecting existing networks and associations. It seeks to complement what networks are doing by creating synergies and supporting shared efforts so that the efficacy of their work is enhanced. This includes creating opportunities for a stronger, combined voice and influence in relation to policy and research agendas. Additionally, it allows ideas to spread more rapidly across national boundaries, thus supporting local innovation.
Orientation of ENAF
ENAF understands agroecology as an integrated food system approach that gives equal value to social, economic, and environmental dimensions. The vision of ENAF is to see agroecological principles fully expressed in food systems throughout Europe. ENAF respects each participating network’s own focus and orientation, such as ‘organic’, ‘biodynamic’, ‘regenerative’, ‘community-supported’. It focuses on the common ground that these approaches share where exchange can benefit each other.
ENAF acknowledges the tendency for top-down guidance on sustainability transitions in agriculture and food in Europe, and seeks to balance this by being orientated towards the interests and ideas coming from grassroots and farmer organisations, both in the North, South, East and West of Europe. This orientation will also be reflected in how ENAF is governed.
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