Converging movements for resilient food systems
The 2023 European Agroecology Forum, Converging movements for resilient food systems, organized by Agroecology Europe and the Hungarian Agroecology Network Association, took place on 16-18 November 2023 in Gyöngyös, Hungary. Agroecology for Europe was involved directly in the organization of the Forum and different sessions, including the ambassadors meeting through different partners.
The Forum gathered international stakeholders during three days with 13 workshops, 9 sessions, plenaries, 4 field visits, and more than 75 speakers and 260 attendees. It was a unique opportunity to network and promote exchange among agroecological initiatives and stakeholders involved in the European agroecology community.
Sessions 4a and b at the Forum featured AE4EU ambassadors: representatives of agroecology initiatives across Europe to present their work and bring posters, which attracted 195 registrants! AE4EU partners also played a facilitating role in a number of sessions and presented their posters at the Forum.
The AEEU Forum was a great opportunity to raise awareness about the European Network for Agroecological Food Systems (ENAF) and draw attention to its potential. It is the subject of attention in two sessions: in Session 5 “Strategic alliances: the role of networks in agroecology” and in a dedicated work meeting for ENAF members. As ENAF has been initiated by AE4EU, it lives on as the legacy of the project supporting international and European networks on agroecology and food sovereignty.