An international and non-profit organisation
Agroecology Europe is an international non-profit organisation and is registered in Belgium. It aims to analyse, design, develop and promote the transition towards agroecology-based farming and food systems in Europe and throughout the world. It intends to place agroecology high on the European agenda of sustainable development of farming and food systems. It intends to foster interactions between actors in science, practice, and social movements, by facilitating knowledge sharing and action. It aims at the creation of an inclusive European community of professionals, practitioners and citizens engaged in agroecology.
Agroecology Europe develops advocacy activities for the attention of European Union institutions by publishing position papers, drafting scientific papers, organizing policy workshop and conferences, writing papers in newspaper, contacting decision makers, coordinating with other NGOs notably through the EU Food Policy Coalition. It promotes agroecology among citizens by producing videos, webinars, interviews, leaflets and by participating to conferences organized by other organizations.
Towards the development of a stakeholder network around agroecology
To support exchange, reflection and bottom-up contributions, Agroecology Europe organize every two years together with local farmers, universities, social movement organizations, local administrations, and non-governmental organizations the Agroecology Europe Forum. It now counts 3 successful editions of the Forum in 2017 in Lyon, France, in 2019 in Heraklion, Crete, and a recent third edition that happened in November 2021 in Barcelona, Spain on the theme ‘Agroecology to regenerate our food systems and communities and enhance biodiversity’.
Agroecology Europe wants to achieve its goal through the active involvement and efforts of its members. For this, the NGO is organized through three permanent working groups – Agroecology Europe Youth Network (AEEUYN); working group on Education & Training; and the working group on Agroecology & Biodiversity. These working groups are key resources for Agroecology Europe wherein our members can actively participate in a self-organized way. The Agroecology Europe Youth Network consists of young people networking for agroecology development and carrying out research on different agroecological practices, highlighting the current situation of practical agroecology implementation across European countries including numerous agroecological initiatives. The Youth Network has an important part within the AE4EU project with strong involvement in the mapping of agroecology and agroecological initiatives in different European countries in WP1.
Agroecology Europe in AE4EU
Within the project AE4EU, Agroecology Europe is, additionally to WP1, strongly involved in assessing funding schemes for agroecology (WP3), analysing agroecological policies (WP5), developing a framework for a European network (WP6) and the communication activities of the project (WP7).
For questions about Agroecology Europe and its work feel free to contact us at: