In September 2022, the AE4EU partner University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG) presented the project at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2022 and the Symposium Towards the International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies 2022.
Terra Madre Salone del Gusto was held from 22-26 September 2022 at Parco Dora Turin, Italy. UNISG presented the project in two sessions. The first session was held on the 22nd of September 2022. That afternoon, UNISG present the advancement of the AE4EU project for the development of agroecology, especially the living lab and the hub. The objective of this session was to answer the overarching question of “What does agroecology mean? How can agroecology help the transformation toward more sustainable agriculture and food systems?” A round-table workshop for the Italian living lab was integrated into the session. On the 25th of September 2022, a second AE4EU session was held by the Italian mapping team, represented by Angelica Marchetti and Davide Primucci, who presented the findings of the agroecology mapping in Italy.
Accumulatively 80 people attended the two sessions, including students, teachers, citizens, consumers, different NGO actors, and the press.

Besides Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, the UNISG team also presented the AE4EU project at the Symposium Towards the International Society for Gastronomic Sciences and Studies 2022 in Pollenzo and Turin. This symposium was held from 23-25 September 2022 with the aim to exchange knowledge, to better understand the human dimension of food and to improve food sustainability, sovereignty and justice. UNISG, represented by Alice Fasso, Chiara Flora Bassignana, Natalia Rastorgueva, and Paola Migliorini, presented the creation of an agroecological living lab in Valle Varaita Piedmont, Italy.